Archive for October, 2022

Regex expressions quick reference

Hi, In this post, I am trying to share my notes about regex expressions, I recently worked on some code using regex expressions, this is an attempt to write what I learned, may be useful for others.

Some notes:
.* = will match till end of line, all characters including special chars and symbols, but it wont match newline.

Source string :
x = y + z - func(a, b);
v = func(x, z)

Regex to identify function name in above expression:


Here, (?<= allows to continue matching the symbols, without including them into match group. It is used before main match group.
.* matched any value except newline till ‘=’ sign is encountered (see what happens, if there is no equal = sign, the third line is below figure is not highlighted)
Again, .* matches everything till ‘func’
(?= is a special directive again, which allows to include everything after match group, without including it in result. It is used after main match group
\( is to match ‘(‘, where \ is an escape char. finally .* matching everything till new line.

Modifying above expression, to get ‘func’, if when we dont know, name of function.


Above regex is more useful, and it can match any function call in below format:

[variable] = [variable] [operator + – *] functioncall(parama, paramb);
for ex:
c = a + somefunc(p1,p2);

If you want to be more generic, to work for any function with any number of args

But, it wont work for function not returning any values, see last func: func(v, d) in image.

Let’s make our regex, very strict and we will only allow format:

c = a + function(x,y)

[\w\s_]+ = this will match a group of char, space and underscore, no other special chars are allowed.

you can in image, that it matches only 1 function call now.